
The Greatest Wealth Is Health


I saw this sign at Vapiano. It’s a cliche; because it’s so true. Yet, most of us take our health for granted until we somehow lose it. We all have had the experience of catching a cold in winter and feeling “miserable”. Even a simple headache takes away from our ability to engage fully in daily activities.

Of course, in addition to the physical health, there’s emotional health. Sometimes we pay more attention to our physical health than our emotional well-being. We try so hard to stay on a strict diet, eat organic food, detox, or eliminate chemical products from our daily life. But, as we are biting our organic farm-grown apple, our mind is overwhelmed with anxious, depressive, or negative thoughts.

It’s important to look at our health as a whole and take care of ourselves both emotionally and physically. And kudos to those of us who despite struggling with chronic physical or mental illness, strive to live a full life.