The Paradox of Autumn: Endings and New Beginnings
Autumn is the season of decay and ending. Daylight grows shorter, the weather gets cooler and the sunlight is not as warm. It feels gloomy to see that the green lively leaves of summer are turning into brown dying leaves of fall. Yet, that’s what we see on the surface, for autumn is the season of seed dispersal! As green leaves are dying on the surface, new seeds are being spread and planted all over the land for new growth in spring. Sometimes it’s difficult to see this paradox of decaying and seeding because we are only focusing on what’s happening on the surface. Besides, autumn depicts that ending can be done so gracefully. It’s breathtaking to look at the gorgeous yellow, orange and red trees of fall.
We all experience autumnal events in our lives. When on the surface things are coming to an end or decaying- like when a relationship ends- but on a deeper level things are preparing for new beginnings and possibilities. When we experience an autumnal event the best we could do is to accept the ending gracefully and embrace new beginnings yet to come. Of course, we need to patiently go through autumn and winter before we can see the seeds planted in fall blossom in spring. After all, seasons cannot be hurried.